Tuesday, June 5, 2012
good citizens do this
Jim B. Simpson, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Lindbergh Schools
4900 South Lindbergh Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63126-3299
Phone: 314.729.2480
Fax: 314.729.2482
Good digital do?
Todd Morgan, Ed.D.
Assistant Principal
Truman Middle School
314-729-2400, ext. 7410
What kind of things do good digital citizens do?
First and foremost they make sure that they look at digital information with a critical eye.
Activity 4-Blogging Simulation
In this activity, students will post to our class blog to respond to our "essential question."
What kind of things do good digital citizens do?
Step 1: Think of a response to this essential question.
Step 2: Open your e-mail and compose a message to the following address. This will send an e-mail to our classroom blog.
Dr. Ronald C. Helms
Lindbergh High School
"A College Preparatory High School"
(314) 729-2410
Good digital citizens
essential question
Charlene Ziegler
Lindbergh Early Childhood Education
Lindbergh Schools
What good digital citizens do
5 Essential Facts of Digital Life
Kids are the creators. It's all about participating; communicating; making music, images, and videos; and posting written content. And the content that's there? Kids must be able to know whether it's credible or not.
Everything happens in front of a vast, invisible, and often anonymous audience.
Once something is out there, it lasts for a long time. Everything leaves a digital footprint.
Information cannot be controlled. Anything can be copied, changed, and shared instantly.
Distance and anonymity separate actions and consequences. Kids think they can get away with unethical or unacceptable behavior because they don't see immediate consequences.
Mr. Clint Walker
Assistant Principal
Sperreng Middle School
MISSION: To develop competent and caring graduates through exceptional programs, services and personnel.
admin pd blog
Mark F. Eggers, Ed.D
Sperreng Middle School
12111 Tesson Ferry Rd
St. Louis, MO 63128
Phone: 314-729-2400 Ext 2400
Fax: 314-729-2422
"At Sperreng, we work together to spread our wings, so we can ALL fly higher."
Sent from my iPad
blog statement
Pamela Mason
Assistant Principal (9th Grade) Class of 2015
314-729-2400 Ext. 1650
What good digital citizens do...
Dr. Brian McKenney
Long School - A National School of Character
Director of Elementary Education
Lindbergh Schools
(314) 729.2400 ext. 5400
Megan is the best!!
Dr. Megan C. Stryjewski
Concord Elementary School
Lindbergh Schools
314-729-2400 x3800
Digital citizens
Sent from my iPhone
What good citizens do.
Mike Straatmann
SSD Area Coordinator
Lindbergh Schools
Monday, June 4, 2012
Here is blog post subject line
Here is the body of the email.