Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What good digital citizens do

5 Essential Facts of Digital Life

  • Kids are the creators. It's all about participating; communicating; making music, images, and videos; and posting written content. And the content that's there? Kids must be able to know whether it's credible or not.

  • Everything happens in front of a vast, invisible, and often anonymous audience.

  • Once something is out there, it lasts for a long time. Everything leaves a digital footprint.

  • Information cannot be controlled. Anything can be copied, changed, and shared instantly.

  • Distance and anonymity separate actions and consequences. Kids think they can get away with unethical or unacceptable behavior because they don't see immediate consequences.


Mr. Clint Walker
Assistant Principal

Sperreng Middle School


MISSION: To develop competent and caring graduates through exceptional programs, services and personnel.

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